#Microblog Mondays: Through the Eyes of a Child


Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.


This weekend we told our family’s that we’re expecting (more on that later, I have a lot to say about that). My 3 year old niece had one of the best reactions. She was pretty non-plussed by the whole situation as everyone was hugging and crying, she was more concerned with her chicken fingers. Her mom (my sister-in-law) told her that Auntie (me) had a baby in her tummy, and that she was going to have a cousin.

She somewhat gets the idea of pregnancy because she has a one year old sister but I think it’s still a bit of a vague concept to her. She said to me “Auntie, you’re going to have a baby in your tummy”. (A statement, not a question). I told her I already had a baby in my tummy, and she said “Oh, well then you’ll have a baby and you’ll be a mommy”. Such sweet words to hear, and just so matter-of-fact. I already consider myself a mom to this little babe inside of me and I’m hoping it’s all that simple to get my take home baby.

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